
You are safe with us

Saint & Co is a partnership and you’ll receive the highest standard of professional accounting support with us.

Whatever business you are involved in, you’ll have access to the resources and expertise to support you with anything you need.

Registers | Statements | Insurance | Complaints | Regulations | Privacy Policy

We are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

As members of the ICAEW you can rely on Saint & Co to provide the highest standard of professional accounting, taxation, business support and advice.

ICAEW Audit Register

ICAEW Audit Register

Registered Number: C00534702
Details can be found here
Audit Regulations & Guidance can be found here and the
International Standards on Auditing (UK & Ireland) can be found here.

Data Protection Register

Data Protection Register

Saint & Co: Z5360032
Lindsay Farrer (Licensed Insolvency Practitioner): Z9883089
Details can be found here

Insolvency Service Register of Insolvency Practitioners

Insolvency Service Register of Insolvency Practitioners

Lindsay Farrer – IP Number 9487
Licensed to accept insolvency appointments in the UK by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
The Insolvency Regulations & Guidance Notes,  Statements of Insolvency Practice and Ethical Code  can be found here.

Bribery Act 2010 Policy Statement

Bribery Act 2010 Policy Statement

Our Practice is committed to carrying on its business fairly, openly and honestly. Our business culture is one where bribery is never acceptable.
Bribery Act 2010 Policy Statement can be found here.

Designated Professional Body Licence

Designated Professional Body Licence

ICAEW Registered Number: C00534702
Details can be found here

FCA Registration Number:  013448

Professional Liability Insurance

Our professional indemnity insurers are:

Royal & Sun & Sun Alliance Insurance Plc, St Marks Court, Chart Way, Horsham, RH12 1XL

Folgate Insurance Company Limited, 80 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 3DH

The territorial coverage is worldwide excluding professional business carried out from an office in the United States of America or Canada and excludes any action for a claim brought in any court in the United States of America or Canada.

Employers’ Liability Insurance

Our employers’ liability insurer is: Aviva Insurance Ltd,  Pitheavilis, Perth, PH2 0NH

Conflict of Interest

We reserve the right during our engagement with you to deliver services to other clients whose interests might compete with yours or are or may be adverse to yours, subject to our confidentiality procedures. We confirm that we will notify you immediately should we become aware of any conflict of interest involving us and affecting you unless we are unable to do so because of our confidentiality obligations. We have safeguards that can be implemented to protect the interests of different clients if a conflict arises. Where conflicts are identified which cannot be managed in a way that protects your interests then we regret that we will be unable to provide further services.

If a conflict of interest should arise, either between two or more of our clients, or in the provision of multiple services to a single client, we will take such steps as are necessary to deal with the conflict. In resolving the conflict, we would be guided by the code of ethics of our professional body.

Complaints Procedure

If at any time you would like to discuss with us how our service to you could be improved, or if you are dissatisfied with the service you are receiving, please let us know, by contacting the senior partner on 01228 534371.

We undertake to look into any complaint carefully and promptly and do all we can to explain the position to you. If we do not answer your complaint to your satisfaction you may of course take up the matter with our professional body.

In order for us to provide you with a high quality service on an ongoing basis it is essential that you provide us with relevant records and information when requested, reply to correspondence in a timely manner and otherwise follow the terms of the agreement between us set out in this Standard Terms of Business and associated Engagement schedules.

Complaints Procedure – Insolvency

At Saint & Co we always strive to provide a professional and efficient service. However, we recognise that it is in the nature of insolvency proceedings for disputes to arise from time to time. As such, should you have any comments or complaints regarding the administration of a particular case then in the first instance you should contact the IP acting as the office holder.

If you consider that the IP has not dealt with your comments or complaint appropriately you should then put details of your concerns in writing to our complaints officer Mr Ian Thompson, Saint & Co, The Old Police Station, Church Street, Ambleside, LA22 0BT. This will then formally invoke our complaints procedure and we will endeavour to deal with your complaint under the supervision of a senior partner unconnected with the appointment.

Most disputes can be resolved amicably either through the provision of further information or following negotiations. However, in the event that you have exhausted our complaints procedure and you are not satisfied that your complaint has been resolved or dealt with appropriately, you may complain to the regulatory body that licences the insolvency practitioner concerned. Any such complaints should be addressed to The Insolvency Service, IP Complaints, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA, and you can make a submission using an on-line form available at ; or you can email; or you may phone. Find out about call charges.

Code of Conduct

Saint & Co adhere to the following codes of conduct: The Code of Ethics of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

For Audit work, the APB Ethical Standards which can be found at 
For Insolvency work, The Code of Ethics of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.

Saint & Co are registered to carry out audit work in the UK and Ireland by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.
 A list of our Partners can be found here.

Rules Governing Actions

Regulated work – professional rules applicable
Audit work – Audit Regulations & Guidance can be found here and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) can be found here.
Insolvency Work – All IPs are bound by the rules of their professional body, including any that relate specifically to insolvency. The rules of the professional body that licences Lindsay Farrer can be found here.

In addition, IPs are bound by the Statements of Insolvency Practice (SIPs), details of which can be found here and here.

Privacy Policy

The processing of your data is necessary for the purposes of the provision of a variety of accountancy services. This privacy statement outlines what this means in practice and explains how we collect, store, manage and protect your data. Details about our Privacy Policy can be found here.

VAT Registration

Saint & Co is registered for VAT under registration number: 256 612 361

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