Our Whitehaven Office attended and participated in a careers day for the students at Millom School. Accounts Senior, Sarah Shaw represented Saint & Co and reports on her day at the school: “The morning session consisted of mock interviews for the Year 11 students. As this was mostly likely their first ever interview, the students were understandably nervous but all came dressed to impress. All the students I ‘interviewed’ were well prepared and had a good idea of what they wanted to do after finishing school. I was impressed by their confidence, by what they had to say and the exciting things they had done both inside and outside of school.
The afternoon involved a careers fayre which was well attended by businesses from the local area. There were stands from BAE Systems, Sellafield, Kimberly Clark, Furness College and the Army, to name a few. Pupils from Year 8 all the way up to Year 13 attended the event and parents were invited after the school had closed. There was a good response from pupils, a lot wanting to know what we did and what opportunities were available in accountancy. I spoke to the students about the AAT and ACCA qualifications and the different routes to getting started in the accountancy profession. By the end of the day there wasn’t a lot left on the Saint & Co stand which definitely reflected the level of interest we had. I left with a croaky voice from all the talking but feeling encouraged by the students’ response and enthusiasm!”